On What Slender Threads
A.A.'s Twelve Traditions from a Historical Perspective
-- By Lyn S.
"On what slender threads do life and fortune hang . . ." is a quote from The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.
I have no idea whether Bill W. read Dumas or not, but in his 1954 talk about A.A.’s beginnings when the early members anticipated a flood of money from Rockefeller, Jr., Bill paused and said in his usual humorous way: "On what slender threads our destiny hangs . . . "
I believe the 12 Traditions are AA's slender threads.
This book chronicles the inspiring journey of a fellowship of alcoholic and non-alcoholic friends from December 1934 to April 1965. From one Tradition to the next, it culminates in Bill W.'s last battle for alcoholics; a battle he finally won less than six years before he died.
If you purchased the book before April 2024, click to view the list of revisions.